Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Solstice - 2K10 Turning Point

Well, here we are. School’s out. It’s hot. The flowers are in full bloom. Today’s the official beginning of summer. Today’s the day that gives us more daylight than any other day of the year. The Summer Solstice also marks the end of the mid-year point - the shift to the final months of the year. Once our brief summer season is over, it’s back to school, and before you know it, the holidays will be here. So if there is anything you want to accomplish during 2010, now’s the time to do it. Now is the time to hunker down so you’ll meet your goals by year’s end. What are some of your heart’s desires? Close your eyes for a moment and meditate on what it is that you really want. Determine that you will stay the course. Remain positive that you will achieve your goals. For me, it’s all about transformation. Dream career. Dream salary. Dream health and fitness. Dream destinations. Dream life. The journey continues. I’m pursuing my passions as I revel in my dreams. Yes: dreams, aspirations, prayers and affirmations. Blessings during the Summer Solstice.

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